I came across this:

Some of you will say that it’s all in good fun and just for laughs. I disagree. My son and daughter have type 1 diabetes. That alone is enough reason to be offended by this pic and by those who share it. But I’m not going to stop there. I’m offended because this picture portrays my children as chubby, over-eating, sugar-loading “Lil Diabeetus” as if they have no name, face, or feelings. And if that isn’t enough, it implies that they did something to cause their diabetes. When did life-threatening illnesses become a joke? When did children fighting every day for their health become funny? If you can put your kids to bed at night and not give it a second thought, good for you. I haven’t slept through the night in 5 years. Every morning I go into my kids’ rooms and watch to see them breathing as if they are newborn babies. And that is NOTHING compared to what they have to deal with every second of every day…the highs, the lows, being stuck with sharp objects daily. And pictures like this create one more obstacle that they have to crawl over in the middle of their carb-counting, finger-pricking, shot-taking, infusion site changing, stomach aching, hands shaking, nearly fainting life. Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimune disease. Their bodies mistakenly thought their insulin producing cells in their pancreas were bad and destroyed them forever. They can’t make anymore. It might have been a virus. It might have been toxins in the environment. We may never know. But what I do know for sure is that it was NOT caused by any of the following:

Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pies

Little Debbie Swiss Rolls

Little Debbie Zebra Cakes

Little Debbie Nutty Bars

Little Debbie Fudge Rounds

Little Debbie Star Crunches

Little Debbie Fudge Brownies

Little Debbie Marshmallow Supremes

Little Debbie Frosted Donuts

Little Debbie Honey Buns

Little Debbie Pecan Spinwheels

Little Debbie Gingerbread Cookies

Little Debbie Donut Sticks

Little Debbie Cinnamon Rolls

Raise your hand if you are now hungry for a Little Debbie snack cake!

In fact, I think I will go to the store right now and let my kiddos pick some out. They certainly deserve one.